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A clinic program orientated on our future, the next generation of windsurfing!

In all sports you see young talented people getting coached by a trainer to get the full profit of their talent, in all sports except windsurfing.

In the next generation project we want to give this opportunity to every young talent; to learn faster and become better in what they love to do, Windsurfing.

The coaching will cover almost all levels. From the first jibes till the creasiest moves you can imagine. It will be 6 days of full coaching from morning till evening on some of the best locations in Europe!

Besides improving their sailing, participants will also meet a lot of other windsurfers of their age with about the same level; there is nothing as good as little healthy competition to improve even faster.

Everybody knows the benefits of training with people of your level or even a bit higher.

Put a coach on top of that and the results will follow guaranteed.  This makes the clinics the perfect concept for fast improvement!

Dieter Van der Eyken - B35

- Dieter Van der Eyken: Dieter is a pro freestyle competitior since 2004. Very talented and stylish, his results speak for themselves:

-2008- European Champion Freestyle under 20 Starboard ProKids.
-2009- World Champion Freestyle under 20 Starboard ProKids.
-2010- 2nd EFPT La Franqui and 9th PWA Podersdorf & best newcomer of the event.
-2011- 5th PWA Vietnam and 8th Overall PWA Freestyle.
-2012- Dutch Champion of Freestyle, Winner EFPT le Brusc and 8th PWA Overall

Over these very good results, dieter is very concerned in giving the kids the same chance to improve as he had at their age. He is one of the only pros who can properly explain how to do a move and not only the "do like me" technic...

- Alexis Duparc: Windsurf Instructor for 20 years, Alex masterd a degree of the French sailing school in teaching sailing and windsurfing. In the last 20 years he has been teaching to thousands of people from 5 to 75 years old. Working in a lot of windsurf clubs, he is used to organize things for groups and manage situations. Father of a twelve years old girl, he knows also what parents like and dislike... Alexis Duparc

The association of those two personalities appears like the best mix of pro-technic and pro-pedagogic method !!

© Britt Van der Eyken - 2013